Andwa Consulting's Online Event Calendar User Guide

General Info
Web Site Features and Quirks
Overnight/Automatic Processing

Event Coordination
Master Event Lists
Setting up New Events
Modifying Existing Event
Cancelling An Event
Managing Upcoming Events
Completing Your Event

Officer/Admin Features
Waiver Management
Member Notations
Membership Renewals
Volunteer Admin
Send Newsletter
Upload PDF Newsletter
Member Postings
Partners/Sponsors/Banner Ads
Slide Show
Award Management
Manage Wait Lists
Manage Member Accounts

Membership Renewal

If your organization collects membership fees and tracks them through the web site, this functionality will be available on the web site.
  1. Membership Management: See a list of all members and record renewals and payments received. Note that this screen also offers waiver management functionality if your organization tracks member waivers through the web site. To renew a membership:
    • Find the member in the list and click "SAVE"
    • If the Membership Type on the account is wrong, select the correct Membership Type from the list
    • Enter their new expiry date
    • Enter the amount received for their membership dues (you can enter 0 if another member has paid on their behalf)
    • Select the payment method
    • After you've entered the information for all members to renew, click the "Save" button
    Note that you can also use this screen to correct a member's expiry date. To do this, find the member in the list, click "SAVE" and enter their correct expiry date.
  2. Set-Up of Member Fee Options: Click Manage Member Fees on the left nav. You can create new fee types, including their name and default amount, as well as updating existing fee types.
  3. Volunteers Accepting Payments: If a volunteer accepts/receives membership dues (for example, at an event), they can record the amount received under "Coordinate", "Past Events". The web site automatically renews the member for 365 days (you can fix this on the Membership Management screen if it is incorrect), and sends an e-mail to the Membership Manager. The volunteer can also include special instructions (ie. amount received, whether the member is also paying for someone else, etc).
  4. Renew Membership: This is a screen that members can use to indicate that they wish to renew their membership. It updates their membership type if they change it, and gives them a message to submit their membership fees. It does NOT update their Expiry Date.
  5. Membership Expiry Message: On a nightly basis, the web site checks for anyone who's membership is expiring in 30 days and sends them an e-mail reminder.

Web Site design and development by Andwa Consulting.
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